Meet The Medicine: Pink Monkeyflower

Woah. This is a BIG one. Funny name. BIG medicine. 

Have you ever noticed that being called “shameless” is considered an insult? We are born into this world without shame, guilt or blame. Why is shame a badge of honor? Who gave you the earliest whisperings of shame? Unworthiness? Rejection? To be shameless or unabashed, to be completely free. Isn’t that what we all want? 

This beautiful little pink flower is the remedy I reach for when my clients are armored and unable to be vulnerable. The armor may be energetic – like the “don’t fuck with me” attitude. It may look like obesity, a physical barrier between self and another. Maybe it’s a shyness with an inability to be seen.  

Maybe there has been abuse that closed the heart down. Maybe childhood trauma. Maybe the last time you opened your heart, you were burned. Bad.  

Pink Monkeyflower remedy opens the body physically, emotionally, spiritually to take risks once again. A closed heart cannot be healthy and in full vitality when it is closed. Deep sexual surrender cannot be experienced without exposure.  

This is the medicine for becoming the shameless, guiltless, and WORTHY people we were born to be. For being vulnerable enough to receive the touch we so desperately crave. For showing up as our most authentic self in a culture wanting to box us in and suppress us down.  

This is the medicine for outward movement. Allowing others to know us deeply. Opening ourselves by releasing trauma.  

For becoming Shameless. 


*If you haven’t worked with flower remedies, they are both energetically subtle and emotionally intense. It may be best to work with a practitioner, please consider doing so when working with plants in this manner. 


A Recipe for Deep Nourishment


Breathe In. Breathe Out.