Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I see a naturopath?

At Rooted in the Wild, my goal is to connect your symptoms to the root cause. Slapping a band-aid on a festering wound will not heal the infection. It is the same with symptom management. Getting to the root of the dis-ease or symptom heals at a deep, connected level that no medication, herb, or supplement can do alone.

How can Rooted in the Wild support my health goals?

Mel has been a Registered Nurse for a decade with plenty of experience in hospitals and medicine. She thoroughly understands body systems, pharmaceuticals, herbals, and complementary alternative therapies. Mel has the ability to understand both worlds of healthcare and works to combine her vast knowledge to the goals of the individual.

What should I expect from my appointment?

During the initial intake, I will gather an assessment through a long series of questions and deep dives into your medical history, medications, and supplements, as well as current day diagnoses and symptoms. We will discuss your health goals, priorities, and current practices. After the initial interview, we will journey into Ayurvedic assessments, iridology, and applied kinesiology to determine root causes of symptoms to develop a plan together.

Can I take medications and herbs together?

That depends. Some herbs, such as St. John’s Wort, are very particular and cannot be taken with most medications. Many supplements, herbs, and homeopathics can be taken with some or all medications. We will discuss this on a case-by-case basis and work in conjunction with your prescribing physician.

What is breathwork?

Breathwork is conscious manipulation of breathing patterns through play with depth, rate, and rhythm. Breathing in new ways takes us into altered states of consciousness (outside of ego) and into unexplored regions of the shadow self. I use breathwork in my practice for emotional release, embodiment, exploration of sensation, and authentic movement.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine based on total wellness of the individual at the cellular level and including the mental, spiritual, and emotional. During the initial consult, we will discuss how your particular constitution (the way you show up in the world physically, mentally, and emotionally) makes a massive difference in your health and how to treat imbalances.

Is naturopathy covered by insurance?

As a practitioner, I am able to charge HSA (Health Savings Account) for both supplements and consultations. Unfortunately, in our current medical healthcare system, naturopaths are not covered by insurance. Send a letter to your insurance company or politician demanding a change in current policies. Perhaps together we can make big changes to our current health payment choices!

Where else can I find your work?

Look for me on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn for current musings. You can find me at the Mary Free Bed Hospital online academy teaching and offering continuing education credits for all medical staff including physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and therapists. My in-person classes are based in west Michigan and virtual classes are always available on my events page.

Do I have to have an initial consultation before booking an acute consult?

Yes, absolutely. I need to know what medications you take and your health history before I can recommend anything when crisis hits. Having a long-form initial consult is crucial to knowing you well before offering suggestions when an acute illness strikes. Acute appointments are available to you once you have committed to an initial intake.

Why are the initial appointments at least an hour long?

As a naturopath, I know that every facet of your life affects your health. To fully understand your health goals and concerns, I need to assess your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This process is sorely lacking in our modern-day healthcare paradigm, but is essential to wholeness. To properly journey with my clients, I find long-form conversation, assessment, and evaluation absolutely necessary. An hour is the minimum I spend with my clients to achieve this level of connection, understanding, and education.